Netter Center

Netter Center, situated within the historic Mikve Israel agricultural school founded by Carl Netter in 1870, is a unique initiative that merges the old with the new. This project aims to highlight the connection between nature and technology, reflecting the building’s rich history through its interior space and graphic designs. Now a hub for entrepreneurs and developers, the Netter Center showcases a forward-looking vision of Agro Tech—integrating advanced technology with agricultural practices.

The visual language of the project is characterized by black and white collages, complemented by infographic data elements to emphasize the synergy between tradition and modernity.

The mesh elements in the lounge area, designed like a small urban garden, are windows originally taken from the old Netter’s building.

Our goal was to emphasize this new pioneering vision, illustrating the synergy of land, technology, innovation, and collaboration within the context of Mikve Israel.

Architects: En Studio

Photography: Gidon Levin

Size: 3,000

Location: Mikve Israel

Year: 2024

Project Management: ITA Maof PM

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